Elon Musk Finally Revealed ALL New Hydrogen Combustion Engine
Elon Musk is always trying everything from new batteries to humanoids and electric vehicles and just when you thought he was done trying everything he comes with an all-new hydrogen combustion engine that will change everything the one thing that Tesla is naturally associated with is electric vehicles it has been that way for a long time and for that Tesla has made a name for itself the vehicles are nothing short of perfect artmanship mingled with Incredible genius who would fail to recognize a Tesla if they saw it however there’s a big problem for Tesla to produce more EVS that are to function efficiently they need to produce Good batteries apparently the batteries that Tesla produces require minerals like nickel and Cobalt unfortunately nature is running out of these minerals leaving Tesla and other EV makers with no choice but to look for better Alternatives as we know it nickel and Cobalt are nearly difficult to find around the world although they are not as precious as gold however they are the gold in the Eevee sector now that their quantity is diminishing it only means that Tesla would not be able to make more batteries for its EVS unless they find better sources on the same note even if Cobalt and nickel would be in abundance they are still not as safe as we would want them to be the world is in a desperate frenzy to look for better sources of energy greenhouse gases have been a nightmare since the dawn of civilization and minerals like cobalta nickel are just worsening the already serious situation foremost they are poisonous which makes them very dangerous for human life then secondly nickel and Cobalt are extremely expensive if you’ve been wondering why EVS are so ridiculously expensive but end up giving pathetic mileage nickel and Cobalt are part of the problem then again the war between Ukraine and Russia doesn’t make things any better for Tesla and other EV makers the world was heavily dependent on two countries for energy resources and the war had marked an effect on America’s energy levels this dent in the energy source has caused the government to advise
EV makers to use their vehicles only when necessary however life being what it normally is using a car only when necessary doesn’t seem to fit in with the needs of the current Society it’s impossible Evie manufacturers like Tesla are at a loss thankfully for Elon Musk he early found his solution in the last place he’d look hydrogen now if you know Elon Musk very well his name and hydrogen don’t normally appear with hydrogen on good things the tech billionaire has consistently brushed away hydrogen as an alternative source of energy and on the same note called some hydrogen-powered cars full cells however as things are going it seems as if EVS are going to be blurred in the near future and only the cars that will remain standing are hydrogen powered fine there are other better fuel Alternatives around the world probably better than hydrogen so why just hydrogen from basic chemistry knowledge hydrogen is the most abundant mineral on Earth and also in the entire universe this abundance seems to be the basis of the advantage as is the case gas can be found everywhere you go in fact you also breathe in hydrogen alongside oxygen and other gases but it offers more than just being too much hydrogen doesn’t produce any greenhouse gases well from the last time we checked the environmental news they wanted a way to get rid of greenhouse gases by all means and hydrogen just proves to be one of the means with hydrogen Vehicles we’ll keep on running smoothly without any worries about producing greenhouse gases carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide have particularly plagued the world in serious ways starting with the former monoxide is the worst silent killer it is a colorless odorless gas which makes it even more unpredictable when the exhaust gases start to leak inside the cabin it kills the occupants without any warning ever heard of scary stories of people found dead in a car for no particular reason well the call culprit is monoxide yet monoxide’s cousin carbon dioxide isn’t any better carbon dioxide is the reason why the sun seems to be nearer than it actually is the blanket carbon dioxide forms in the atmosphere causes the Earth to be warmer than it should be thus the name greenhouse gases being free from these dangerous gases would be a relief and thanks to Elon musk’s hydrogen internal combustion engine vehicle we are getting somewhere an h-i-c-ev is quite different from the hydrogen fuel cells that Elon Musk dubbed full cells there’s a reason why
I must call them fool cells and why he decided to get to h-i-c-e-v so what’s the difference anyway are they both using hydrogen yeah as far as hydrogen is concerned that’s the only similarity however there is a marked difference in the manner of operation starting with the full cells fuel cells utilize hydrogen in an electrochemical reaction to produce electricity that powers Vehicles they are essentially electric vehicles that depend on hydrogen to produce electricity on the other hand the HICEVS are a modified version of the gasoline-powered internal combustion engine only this time they have no fatal emissions instead of using gasoline as a source of energy hydrogen is used the hilarious end product of the reaction is water vapor which is very safe for the environment Tesla stands to gain every advantage in delving into the hydrogen combustion engine in fact if they decide to use this alongside hydrogen fuel cells they will be better placed anyhow hydrogen-powered engines will offer more range than other Tesla cars the Tesla Model S stands second in the list of EVS with the longest range of 405 miles however we know that this is also not enough thankfully mileage stress will be a thing of the past the the potential of hydrogen is sadly not explored as much as it should have been yet where research has reached it is projected that an h-i-c-e-v is capable of not less than 300 miles this is good news for Tesla who have been working very hard to increase mileage for their customers and then there’s the other problem with every other EV long charging times Well an h-i-c-e-v comes with a double blessing which is more mileage and short charging times and the reason is simple to power an h-i-c-e-v you only need to refill the tank with hydrogen which doesn’t take such a long time it should be less than five minutes and that means a lot to vehicle owners who have run out of better options than EVS to preserve the environment now the h-i-c-e-v owners will not have to be worried about maintenance normally EVs and even gasoline-powered vehicles have this duty to continually maintain their cars EV owners are especially burdened as the batteries tend to wear out sooner than expected making frequent maintenance and necessity but imagine how much money will be saved with less frequent maintenance requirements comparing hydrogen-powered engines and electric cars always begs one question why is it that hydrogen cars are not mainstream there are glaringly so many benefits of hydrogen cars over EVS that it seems obvious that they should have been the first to be adopted however statistics show something quite different according to motor 1 only 41 700 hydrogen cars have been sold since 2011. well that’s a marked contrast to the over 900 000 EVS Tesla normally sells annually there are whole companies that have produced hydrogen cars and are still producing them and it seems that the demand is very low currently Hyundai and Toyota are working on nexo and Mirai respectively yet we cannot confidently say they are going to sell off as much what’s more some hydrogen vehicles that were manufactured like Honda Clarity and Hyundai Tucson fcev you all got discontinued eventually despite the benefits of hydrogen in the same breath the existence of hydrogen cars are under the federal tax incentive of 7 500 in the United States this means if you buy a hydrogen car in California you will get a forty five hundred dollar tax rebate that sounds cool right however no one is excited about producing hydrogen cars and few people seem to be interested in buying them something doesn’t seem right truth be told hydrogen cars are still very expensive to produce compared to their EV counterparts for that reason many manufacturers are not willing to gamble with their money by producing hydrogen cars on a massive scale but what if you had all the money to buy a hydrogen car well where will you refuel it they’re still inadequate infrastructure to support hydrogen Vehicles so even if they would have a longer mileage refueling will be a major problem as of now statistics from the alternative fuel cells data center show that there are 48 fueling stations in America amusingly 47 of them were found in California the situation is no better in Canada the whole country has only seven accessible hydrogen fueling stations according to the statistics of glp Auto gas well at least two countries have tried to adopt hydrogen-powered cars the rest are not even trying them they have a good reason for that first Hydrogen is very delicate hydrogen does not exist on its own in the atmosphere it tends to combine with anything it finds in nature however whenever it exists on its own a leak of this gas could lead to a massive explosion probably far worse than what we’ve seen with faulty EV batteries EVS have had their share of faults in making Lithium-ion batteries the manufacturers however prefer to deal with a problem they are more used to than to start with something delicate they are not familiar with hydrogen unfortunately has the potential to leak even through solid substances so handling such a source of fuel really requires a lot of care however for the past decade since the slow adoption of hydrogen as a source of fuel there’s never been a major accident and therefore no cause for alarm nonetheless the extraction of hydrogen takes a lot of resources and requires the burning of fossil fuels well there’s an alternative to using renewable energy sources like electricity and wind however it seems more energy efficient to charge EVS than to use hydrogen for fueling there’s always more than one way of doing something even when hydrogen can have more than one way of extraction yet research is still far from getting a better solution than electrolysis and natural gas that’s not helping much since it only makes hydrogen fuel even more expensive you will have to pay more than gasoline or charge your EV since hydrogen gas has more energy per unit volume as compared to gasoline that only means that you’ll have to visit a hydrogen refueling station more often nevertheless the adoption of hydrogen as a source of fuel is still making baby steps toward the full adoption of gas as a source of fuel it is going through the same process CV adoption went through and for first it was difficult to even start an Eevee company and many who started the business flopped terribly however several decades later we have the likes of Tesla Lucid air Mercedes-Benz eqs and many other EVS around in the same way the adoption of hydrogen will lead to the production of exotic cars somewhere in the future sad to say the future is not that near your next car will not be running on hydrogen however there are plans already to make that happen one day but if you think you want a hydrogen car you might consider buying one as for the Tesla they are the most unpredictable and they might just consider doing the unthinkable but anyways we know that it’s not yet a hydrogen car surprise what do you think about the adoption of hydrogen-powered vehicles let us know in the comments below.
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